At Choate Baptist Church, we are devoted to helping people develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in their faith, living a life of purpose. We strive to be a church that brings people closer to God, while fostering relationships among our members and community. We believe in the power of prayer and that everyone should have a personal relationship with Jesus. Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming atmosphere, where all can come together to worship and learn more about the Christian Faith. We would love for you to experience God’s truth and love with us.
by Pastor Leo W. Smith and Mrs. Collie Baker
(This newspaper article – compliments of Ray Morgan – was accompanied
with a photo of Choate Baptist Church taken by Pastor Leo W. Smith who did so
much to make the new building possible.)
On November 15, 1893, seven people met in the Oklahoma school house and
organized what today is known as the Choate Baptist Church. The minutes of
that first meeting read, Nov. 15, 1893... "We the undersigned Elders met at the
Oklahoma School House on the above date and did then and there organize into
and presbytery to receive a Missionary Baptist Church that was organized on the
above date when Bro. R.P. Ricks, Sister U. E. Couch, Sister J. E. Alexander did
proceed and organize themselves into one body in Christ and was received by
the Presbytery.” (signed) Elder T.J. Johnston, Moderator; Deacon J.H. Manlove
and Elder G. J. Walkers, secretary.
The first pastor to serve this Oklahoma Baptist Church of Christ was Elder T.J.
Johnston and the first deacon of the church was J.H. Manlove who the following
year was ordained to the ministry and called as pastor. It was the interesting
practice of this church to elect a new pastor each year. Among some of the early
pastors were: S.B. Kimball, R.L. Pierce, H. Hall, and C. H. Appling.
From the very beginning the Church strove to be a progressive, denominational
minded Church. In September 1894, the Church voted to send delegates to
petition membership in the Blanco Baptist Association. They remained members
of the Blanco Baptist Association until Feb. 9, 1924, when they voted to petition
the Gambrel Baptist Association for membership. The first recorded missionary
school house to accept members into the church. As early as 1896, they were
pledging gifts to Associational missions, State Missions, Foreign Missions, State
Sunday School, Buckner International, Orphans Home, and the Ministers Relief Program. A
helping hand was extended to the building project of the Alice Baptist Church in
1903, and in 1907 the Church voted permission for the pastor “to aid J.M. Carroll
in his educational and school building work in San Marcos.” Also, through the
years, they have extended support to the Alto Frio Baptist Encampment, Baptist
Memorial Hospital , U.C.C., Mexican Baptist Bible Institute, students, both of the
Church and from foreign countries, Widows hospital bills, Radio Programs of
District 6, and the Orphans Home in Mineral. In October of 1919, the Church
voted to change its name from the Oklahoma Baptist Church of Christ to the
Missionary Baptist Church at Choate, and later to the Choate Missionary Baptist
Church and finally to The Choate Baptist Church as it is called today.
During the seventy years, the church has had two previous buildings. On
January 14, 1900, the first service was held in the permanent building, which
stood at the present site of the Choate Cemetery. On May 20 of the same yar,
this building was dedicated with H. Hall preaching the dedication message. {The
church building burned in 1935...} The church voted then to move to the site
across from the school house and land was donated by Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Grandberry. The old site of the church was donated to the Cemetery. The first
service in this new building was on July 7, 1935.
In September of 1961, damages were done to The Choate Baptist Church by
the Carla storm, and a committee was appointed to see about making the
necessary repairs to the building. On December 31, 1961, this committee
reported back to the Church that the insurance was not sufficient to cover the
needed repairs. A petition was made to appoint a committee to inquire
concerning the construction of a new building. This committee consisted of
Collie Baker, Marshall Hunt and Mrs. Delsie Jimerson. Plans were secured and
preliminary bids were given and on October 7, 1962, the Church agreed to
proceed with the building plans. The building committee was then expanded to
include Ray Morgan, William Wilson, Cecil Atkinson, Elaine Morgan, Mae
Copeland, and Mary Louise Ford. On February 17, 1963, the Church voted to
release a contract to Alex Homeyer of Kenedy, who completed the building on
June 14. The first services were held in the new building on June 16, 1963.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9